A zan chalchihuitli quetzal on patlahuac moyollo motlatol totatzin! Ehuaya.
Tonteicnoitta tonteicnopilitta. In tan cuel achitzin ca in motloc monahuac. Ohuaya Ohuaya.
Chalchiuh itzmolini moxochiuh ipalnemohua. Yexochimimilihui xiuhquechol cuepuntimani. In tan cuel achitzin ca in motloc monahuac! Ohuaya Ohuaya. |
Nezahualc�yotl |
It is pure jade, a wide plumage, your heart, your word, Oh Father! Ehuaya.
You pity man, you watch him with mercy! Only for the most brief moment is he next to you, at your side! Ohuaya ohuyaya.
Precious as jade your flowers burst forth, Oh Life Giver. As fragrant flowers they are perfected, as blue parrots they open their corolas. Only for the most brief moment next to you, at your side! Ohuaya ohuyaya.